My lived experience describes love as a way to promote one’s overall well-being, it influences our behaviours and whether or not we are having a pleasant time on earth. It is our duty to make life beautiful, and peaceful, and love forms part of the many ways we live wholesomely.
Today I wanted to remind you to soar in the best way you know how even if soaring for you means reading affirming content about surviving long-distance love. I know many can relate and others may be embarking on this complex journey – You are not alone plus you can successfully navigate what may be beyond your control.
Communicate Daily
• This is all you have – for as long you both want it to work you have to make communication a priority.
• Share the good and the bad of how your day is going this way you are both not missing out on each other’s daily life.
• Mix it up by using images, video calls, social media, and meme sharing – those have kept many conversations alive.
• At times it takes a simple daily good morning text and good night text to get one through.
• Be clear, direct, and honest all the time.
• Introduce them to your friends and family over video calls, that’s if you’re ready for that step. Introductions have a way of adding a different dynamic and show your partner that they are indeed a real part of your life and not some ‘imaginary figure.’
• Involve one another in your daily activities – Video calling while taking a daily walk feels good – it will feel like you are taking the walk together, plus there’s an indescribable feeling of safety.
Get excited about the things you can’t wait to do/share together
• If it means creating itineraries, lists of restaurants, and lists of movies you want to watch together do exactly that.
• The key is in knowing that this is not forever and that in the future you will be spending every possible second together – The distance has to end at some point.
• Stay out of situations that might make your long-distance partner feel uncomfortable or threatened.
• Set boundaries that are within reason that work for you both.
Distance provides clarity on how much you trust your partner;
• Try your best to reassure your partner.
• Try to avoid thinking about the worst-case scenario.
• There are bumps of course but communicating about the struggles helps a whole lot.
Wishing you the very best, again you are not alone.